1915 The Principle of Relativity and Philosophical Absolutism
1917 The Evolution of Polish National Life
1918-1920 The Polish Peasant in Europe and America PART I
1918-1920 The Polish Peasant in Europe and America PART II
1918-1920 The Polish Peasant in Europe and America PART III
1918-1920 The Polish Peasant in Europe and America PART IV
1822 Introduction to Sociology (Summary)
1925 The Laws of Social Psychology
1930 Sociology of Education (Summary)
1931 Group Crises Produced by Voluntary Undertakings
1932 The Analysis of Social Processes
1940 The Social Role of the Man of Knowledge
1943 Impact of War on Personality Organization
1948 William I. Thomas as a Collaborator
1948 Methodological Trends in Sociological Research