
The Florian Znaniecki Society was founded in 1994 by Professor Stanisław Kozyr-Kowalski (1936 -2004), the chair of Classical Sociology of the Institute of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań.

The F.Z.S. is a non-profit organization.
T h e  p u r p o s e  o f  t h e  F l o r i a n  Z n a n i e c k i  S o c i e t y  s h a l l  b e:
* to preserve, study, continue and popularize the spiritual legacy of Florian Znaniecki
* to identify and analyze theoretical and empirical sources of Znaniecki’s work
* to investigate the impact of Znaniecki’s thought on past and contemporary humanities
* to confront Znaniecki’s philosophy and sociology with contemporary currents in social sciences and tendencies of modern world.

T h e  P r e s i d i u m

President: Andrzej Przestalski, Sc.D.

Vice-Presicent: Sławomir Banaszak, Sc.D., associate professor
Secretary: Bogusław Dzięcioł, Ph. D.
Treasurer: Maciej Kokociński, Ph. D.
Member: Arleta Chojniak, Ph. D.
Member: Marek Nowak, Sc.D., associate professor
Member: Przemysław Pluciński, Ph. D.

S c i e n t i f i c C o u n c i l
Marek Czyżewski, Sc.D., associate professor 

Elżbieta Hałas, Sc.D., full Professor 

Kaja Kaźmierska, Sc.D., associate professor

Jan Wodarek, Sc.D.

Marek Ziółkowski, Sc.D., full professor