The Florian Znaniecki Society
(e x c e r p t s)
C h a p t e r I
The name, seat and purpose of the Society
§ 1
The Society, founded in 1994 shall bear the name of The Florian Znaniecki Society
§ 2
The Society shall be registered in the Provincial Court in Poznan and shall have legal personality.
§ 3
The seat of the Society shall be Poznań.
§ 4
The area of the Society’s activity shall be the territory of the Republic of Poland
§ 5
The Society shall have the right to possess its symbols, sign and stamp.
§ 6
The purpose of the Florian Znaniecki Society is
a) to preserve, explore, continue and promote the intellectual legacy of Florian Znaniecki;
b) to determine and analyse theoretical and empirical sources of Znaniecki’s work;
c) to examine the impact of Znaniecki’s thought on both his contemporary and today’s humanities;
d) to confront Znaniecki’s philosophy and sociology with today’s theoretical currents in social science and world’s developments.
The Sociaty shall realize its purpose through
a) collecting data on publications concerning the person and the work of Florian Znaniecki
b) organizing scientific seminars and conferences;
c. publishing activity;
d) initiating and supporting object-related research activities outside the Society;
e) cooperating with similar institutions and organizations, domestic and foreign.
C h a p t e r I I
§ 8
Admitted to membership shall be natural persons of legal age as well as legal persons from Poland and abroad.
§ 8
Members shall be divided into a) regular, b) honorary, c) supporting.
Regular membership shall be granted by a two thirds majority vote of the Presidium. In the absence of such an acceptance the admission shall be made by two thirds vote of the General Meeting.
§ 11
The entry fee and dues shall be fixed by the General Meeting.
§ 12
Honorary membership shall be granted by the Genarl Meeting upon request of the Presidium to the persons meritorious to science or to the Society.
§ 13
Supporting member may be a natural or legal person, desiring to contribute to achieving the Society’s purpose. Supporting membesr will be appointed by he Presidium upon request of the President.
§ 14
Regular member shall have a right
a) to take part in meetings and oter forms of the Society’s activities;
b) to passivly and actively vote on the election of the Society’s authorities
c) to receive gratuitously the Society’s reports and to purchase its publications on preferential terms.
§ 15
Honorary member shall have a right
a) to take part in meetings and oter forms of the Society’s activities;
b) to receive gratuitously the Society’s reports and to purchase its publications on preferential terms.
§ 16
Suppotring member shall have a right
a) to take part in meetings and oter forms of the Society’s activities;
b) to receive gratuitously the Society’s reports and to purchase its publications on preferential terms.
§ 17
Regulat member shall be obliged
a) to take active part in realizing the Society’s pusrose
b) to comply with the Constitution and resolutions of the Society’s authorities;
c) to pay the applicable dues. ‘
§ 18
Honorary member shall be obliged
a) to comply with the Constitution and resolutions of the Society’s authorities;
§ 19
Supporting member shall be obliged
a) to take part in implementation of Socierty’s projests;
b) to comply with the Constitution and resolutions of the Society’s authorities;
c) to pay the applicable dues. ‘
C h a p t e r I I I
Bodies of the Society
§ 21
The bodies of the Society shall be:
a) General Meeting;
b) The Presidium;
c) The President;
d The Scientific Council;
e) The Audit Committee;
f) Arbitration Court of Fellow-Members.
§ 29
The Presidium shall consist of
a) President;
b) Vice President;
c) Secretary;
d) Treasurer;
e Five members.